
The privilege of Bishop Arnau of Tovia
@ Arxiu Nacional d'Andorra

As part of the project of collaboration with the Consell General for the celebration of the sixth centenary of the signing of the privilege of Bishop Arnau de Tovia on the Consell de la Terra, two works have been commissioned. The first, to Dr. Carles Gascon on the historical framework of the signing of the privilege: Andorra 1419. El privilegi del bisbe Tovia i el Consell de la Terra (Andorra 1419. The privilege of Bishop Tovia and the Council of the Earth). The main conclusion of this study is the concretion on the nature and consequences of the privilege of 1419. According to Gascón, the genesis of the Consell de la Terra is much earlier, at least from 1289, the day after the signing of the second Pariatge of Andorra. More than a century later, Bishop Tovia's document would have served to regulate and order the functioning of the parliament.

The professor of paleography at the University of Barcelona, Dr. Ignasi J. Baiges has made the paleographic and diplomatic analysis of the document, in the article Documents de creació del Consell de la Terra (Documents of creation of the Consell de la Terra). The work picks up the documentary tradition and makes original contributions on its genesis and transmission.

