

During the first half of 2020, Andorra Research + Innovation continued to manage the network of high mountain snow and weather stations implemented between 2007 and 2009 in Andorra. The priority is to ensure the proper and uninterrupted operation of the stations. In this sense, the correct taking of measurements and the maintenance of the totalizing rain gauges are monitored daily. The proper functioning of this network is of great interest to the country, as its information is used in various projects, such as the periodic calculation of climate anomalies, the forest fire risk assessment system, the snow cover monitoring and weather modeling, among others.

The most important tasks are the annual preventive maintenance carried out at the stations at the end of January 2020 and the installation of an infrared sensor that measures the surface temperature of the snow in Sorteny and Perafita. This information is very valuable for monitoring the snow cover and its modeling in the SNOWPACK.

In June 2020, the transfer of the weather stations —Aixàs, Bony de les Neres, Sorteny and Perafita— to the OECC (Oficina de l'Energia i del Canvi Climàtic) became effective, as stated in the LITECC (Law 21/2018, of 13 September, on the promotion of the energy transition and climate change), with the aim of planning, maintaining and operating the national meteorological observation network.

The weather station installed on the Maià peak was dismantled in the summer of 2021.

Maintenance and installation of the snow temperature sensor in Sorteny.

